Welcome to the Mill Creek Academy Health Clinic
The purpose of School Health Services is to ensure that all students are healthy and ready to learn. We do this by providing screenings and referrals, administering medications and treatments, providing first aid, providing health counseling and education, and supporting students to acquire self-management skills.
Medication Form:
Middle School Self-Carry Form
(Please note this is only for students in 6th – 8th grade)
Medical Management Plans:

Deciding when to keep your child home from school can be difficult.
Below are some helpful guidelines
- Fever elevated over 100.4 degrees
- Not feeling well enough to participate comfortably in usual activities
- Extreme tiredness or fatigue, unexplained irritability or persistent crying.
- Nasal congestion or cold symptoms that cannot be contained without contaminating others in close contact
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Please read and become familiar with the District’s Illness Guidelines
A Medication Authorization Form will need to be signed by the parent/guardian and completed by your doctor for ANY medication, however, there is an exception for middle School students to carry OTC medications after completing a specific OTC form obtained from the clinic. Please reference the district Medication Policy K8 . Over the counter medications (OTC) include: Chap-stick, Sunscreen, Cough drops, Antacids, medicated lotions, Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin etc. These meds must be kept in the clinic for elementary students with a completed Medication Authorization Form. Please remember that the school does not keep stock medications.
If your child has a medical condition requiring ongoing care or emergency medication, please contact the clinic so we can work out a plan together.
I can be reached by e-mail [email protected]
phone: 547-3722
or fax: 547-3730
Clinic hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday while school is in session. Please call ahead if you would like to meet with a nurse one-on-one. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to contact us or check out the Health Services website. We will be happy to answer any questions.
Please keep in mind we are a nut aware facility. Below are some helpful guidelines:
The medical management plans include medication authorization so no need to fill out a separate medication authorization. Please note these forms have sections to be filled out by the parent as well as the physician. Feel free to print these as needed or stop by the school and pick one up.