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Middle School Information

Mill Creek Academy

We are creating individual student schedules for the 2024-2025 school year. As of March 1st, your student’s course requests are visible in Home Access Center (HAC). If you have any questions or concerns related to your student’s courses, please use the below link to communicate with school scheduling staff. Thank you!

Attention 8th Grade Parents:

First payment and paperwork are due by Friday, February 2nd

Rising 6th Grader Information

Rising 7th Grader Information

Rising 8th Grader Information

Elective Selections

Elective selections must be completed in HAC by Thursday, March 9, 2023 

8th grade Internship

23-24 Internship Teacher Recommendation Forms

Middle School Academic lockers, PE uniforms and PE lockers

Academic and PE Lockers are separate but both items are $5.00 each

Students will not be sharing PE lockers this school year they will be sold on a first come first serve basis.

Please read below carefully for instructions on PE Uniforms:

Your purchase includes: A shirt and a pair of Shorts

Please make sure you include:

  1. Sizes for Shirts
  2. Sizes for Shorts
  3. Student First and Last Name
  4. Student Grade level

Price for Shirt: $10.00

Price for Shorts: $10.00

Total amount: $20.00

Academic Lockers: