8th Grade High School Transition Information
Dates will be updated as we receive them. For more information, please contact Mr. Seifert [email protected]
Xello is an Internet-based career exploration and planning tool used to explore career and college/training options. Students will have access to Xello for the remainder of their academic career in SJCSD and the program will continue as a valuable tool for career and college exploration.
If you’d like to learn more about Xello and how it can help your student? Please follow this link for a short introductory video. https://www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/guidance/xello/
If you would like to learn more about what academies are all about, please follow this link.
January 6th Online Application OPENS for high school academies and programs of interest. Application window is January 6th to January 24th at 5 pm (results given in February, date TBD).
High school academies and programs of interest are optional. Academies consist of one elective class period per day on your student’s schedule. There is no academic requirement to apply to high school academies. If there are more applicants than seats, students are chosen at random through a lottery process. Students can apply for up to three academies and must be selected in preference order. Students can apply to academies and programs of interest at high schools other than their home zoned high school provided that the same program is not offered at their zoned high school. Please be aware that students attending academies and/or programs of interest at non-zoned schools are not provided with transportation! Application is easy and done through HAC. For information on how to apply, please follow this link https://cte.stjohns.k12.fl.us/apply/ The deadline is very firm, please make sure to submit applications before the deadline!
Directions to apply in HAC:
Open HAC and select the Classes icon. Then select the Requests tab. Then click the Edit button to the right of Academy/Program of Interest Application. When you select the Edit button, you will be presented with a list of options. Each option is shown with a 1st choice, 2nd choice, or 3rd choice in the description. Check the option with a 1st to indicate your first choice (the academy/program that you most want to be in) and so on. Be sure to click the Save button after you make your selections. Once you do this, you should see your student’s selections on the Requests tab. Please be aware that your selections can be
changed through this same process all the way up to the deadline.
January 15th TCHS Academy Night 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Academy nights are academy showcasing events located at each individual high school. If you were not able to attend the High School Showcase in December, or if your child has a specific academy, or program of choice, in mind at a particular high school, we encourage you to attend these events. For a list of dates for the academy nights of each district high school, please follow this link https://cte.stjohns.k12.fl.us/timeline/
Academy Application Results (date TBD)
Parents will receive an email with results. Please monitor email accounts including spam folders.
High School Counselor Meetings (March 6th
– Makeups March 7th)
During the school day, students will meet with their TCHS school counselor at MCA to choose their classes for 9th grade. Parents of students zoned to another high school, or students who were selected for an academy at another high school, will be contacted by that high school to choose their classes. Depending on the method chosen by the school, these counselor meetings may take place either in person, over the phone, or virtually.
Career Academies Vs. Programs of Interest:
You may be asking, “what is the difference between an academy and program of interest?”
Programs of interest include all the high school academies, but not all programs of interest are academies. Non-academy programs of interest include advanced academic programs like IB, AICE and the Early College Program and other programs like the JROTC. Academies do not have academic requirements for application, but the advanced academic programs, such as the Early College Program, do. Please follow this link for more information about the Early College Program and eligibility requirements https://www-tchs.stjohns.k12.fl.us/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/St-Johns-River-Early-College-Program-Flyer.pdf and please follow this link for more general information about all programs of interest https://cte.stjohns.k12.fl.us/programs/
*Please be aware that when applying for career academies and programs of interest, they all will use one of your student’s allotted three choices. If your student is choosing to apply to more than one academy/program of interest, make sure to choose strategically in preference order.
Career Overview PowerPoint for Middle School:
Please follow this link to the district’s 8th Grade Career Exploration page. Here you will find more information about the career lesson as well as detailed information regarding high school graduation requirements. You will also find a link to the Career Overview PowerPoint. This narrated slide show covers high school graduation requirements and GPA and scholarship information. To play the PowerPoint, open it and go to the tab “SlideShow” and click on “From Beginning”. The PowerPoint will start playing immediately and should progress by itself. You will need sound to hear the narration. Notes are at the bottom of each slide for those unable to access the audio in the slideshow.
Bright Futures Scholarship:
Please follow this link for more information about this amazing scholarship opportunity. Here, you can access the 2024/25 Bright Futures Scholarship Handbook and learn about the eligibility requirements and different levels of scholarship opportunity.
Please be aware that students cannot begin accumulating community service hours for this scholarship until after they graduate from 8th grade (this means they can begin accumulating
hours the summer after 8th grade).
Health Opportunities through Physical Education(HOPE):
HOPE is a required course for high school and is offered in person, however students have the option to take it virtually. Students must wait until the second semester of their 8th grade year to enroll. Students are encouraged to use St. Johns Virtual School.
The Health Opportunities through Physical Education (HOPE) course is a course that explores different components of health (physical, emotional, social, and nutrition). The St. Johns Virtual School HOPE online course is offered fully online. Students are given multiple choice quizzes, journal entries, written assignments, and discussions with a teacher.
Quick Facts about HOPE
–HOPE is a 2-semester required course for high school graduation.
–Students have the option of completing one semester or the entire HOPE course over any given summer.
–The HOPE course can be completed on any digital device. Students can complete assignments on a tablet, phone, or computer.
–Students have the flexibility to complete the course at home.

Rising 6th Grader Information
Rising 7th Grader Information
Rising 8th Grader Information
Elective Selections
Elective selections must be completed in HAC by Thursday, March 9, 2023
8th grade Internship
Middle School Academic lockers, PE uniforms and PE lockers
Academic and PE Lockers are separate but both items are $5.00 each
Students will not be sharing PE lockers this school year they will be sold on a first come first serve basis.
Please read below carefully for instructions on PE Uniforms:
Your purchase includes: A shirt and a pair of Shorts
Please make sure you include:
- Sizes for Shirts
- Sizes for Shorts
- Student First and Last Name
- Student Grade level
Price for Shirt: $10.00
Price for Shorts: $10.00
Total amount: $20.00
Academic Lockers: https://www.schoolpay.com/pay/for/Middle-School-Academic-Lockers-2223/Sdaap1S